More than 27 million weekly listeners
Corporate sponsors enable NPR Stations to fulfill their mission and to continue to deliver high quality content to audiences all across America. NPR member stations offers sponsors the opportunity to communicate their brand & message to the public radio audience.
As a non-commercial news organization, NPR member stations maintain uncluttered on-air and online environments. On-air messaging is short and clear. This approach is appreciated by audiences, and allows sponsors to stand out while connecting with 27 million weekly listeners. Research has shown the NPR audience values companies that support the long-form, in-depth, sound-rich reporting which NPR uniquely delivers.
The size of the NPR audience on air, online and across mobile platforms is striking. Across platforms, NPR delivers:
Two of the top three drive-time radio programs in America
15.7 million unique monthly users to NPR.org
2.5 million unique visitors to NPR Music
1.3 million monthly users on iPhone, iPad and Android
Source: ACT1/Arbitron, Fall 2011; Google Analytics, monthly average March-May 2012
A proven platform for advertisers, NPR impacts not only public perception of a company, but also its bottom line:
74% of listeners hold a more positive opinion of companies that support NPR
65% of listeners say the corporate values of NPR sponsors fit their own
66% of listeners prefer to buy products or services from NPR sponsors
Source: NPR/Knowledge Networks Underwriting Study, February 2011​
More Information on NPR, NPR programming and NPR Memember Stations available at www.npr.org
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